How to Buy Education Tokens (LEDU) on LATOKEN

Education tokens (LEDU) are now trading on LATOKEN with ETH and BTC pairs. This article will explain how to purchase LEDU tokens on the LATOKEN exchange. See also how to buy LEDU on DcoinExrates, Livecoin, Mercatox and IDEX.

Sign Up

1)First, if you’re not registered on LATOKEN click the “Login” button on the top right to view the following sign up window.


2) Next, deposit ETH or BTC into your exchange account.

3) Select the crypto you want to deposit and click on “Deposit” to send ETH or BTC to an address provided by the exchange. You can also use your debit or credit card to buy ETH or BTC directly on the exchange and deposit it to your account.

4) If you’re not buying ETH or BTC directly from LATOKEN then you will need to send it to the exchange from your own crypto wallet. Open your ETH wallet and send the amount you would like to deposit to that address. If you are using BTC, open your BTC wallet and send the amount you would like to deposit to the address provided.

5) Once you have ETH or BTC on your LATOKEN account then you are ready to purchase LEDU tokens.


6) LEDU tokens on LATOKEN are available in LEDU/ETH and LEDU/BTC pairs. Locate the LEDU/ETH pair and click on trade to purchase LEDU tokens with ETH.

7) You will be taken to the trading page where you can buy LEDU tokens. Simply enter the amount you wish to purchase and click the BUY LEDU button to purchase LEDU tokens.

8) Once you’ve completed your purchase the token balance will be visible in your exchange account.


9) Now that you’ve purchased LEDU tokens you can withdraw them to your ERC20 token wallet. Simply go to “WALLETS” select LEDU and click on “SEND”. Enter the amount you wish to draw and the withdrawal address where you wish to send the tokens.

Get LEDU Coin


Get LEDU coins now on DcoinLATOKENExratesLivecoinMercatox and IDEX or use the LEDU OTC Trading program for large purchases. Read more about LEDU coins on our project page and ask any questions you might have on our Twitter page.

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